The Affordably Smart & Simple Way To Prevent Water Damage & Save Money

The Affordably Smart & Simple Way To Prevent Water Damage & Save Money AquaPal is a water monitoring system that uses a shutoff valve and easy-to-install, advanced sensors (along with a companion app) to track leaks, unusual water flow, moist conditions, and temperature changes in your home.
The Affordably Smart & Simple Way To Prevent Water Damage & Save Money AquaPal is a water monitoring system that uses a shutoff valve and easy-to-install, advanced sensors (along with a companion app) to track leaks, unusual water flow, moist conditions, and temperature changes in your home.

Your Home Is A Valuable Asset. Be Smart & Protect Your Investment. Over 50% of US households experience water damage at some time
50%! That’s like saying your home could be damaged with the flip of a coin. About 65% of all that water damage is caused by burst pipes - mainly during cold weather. The average cost of water damage due to frozen pipes 

It’s over $10,000 US dollars. And slow leaks can be just as costly: the average slow leak in US households wastes 10,000 gallons of water a year, with the worst 10% wasting over 90 gallons a day! The worst part? Roughly 93% of all leak costs could have been prevented. 
 Sources: US EPA website & ACE Private Risk Services Use Automatic or Remote Shutoff AquaPal can automatically close your main pipe if it senses an alarming change or abnormal water pressure. Or do it yourself—at anytime, from anywhere—with the tap of a finger.

Tracks Humidity & Moisture To Eliminate Mold For Good Mold can be seriously dangerous for your health and your pocketbook. Our sensors are so advanced that you’ll receive an alert the second moisture is detected, stopping mold in its tracks. Combined with AquaPal, you can remotely trigger the shut-off valve to stop the flow of water

You’ll also learn where, how, and when you’re consuming the most water. Is there an unknown slow leak in the sink downstairs costing you a lot of money? Are you wasting a lot of water in the shower? Knowing exactly how you’re consuming water will help you better track and cut down on expenses. Save More. Worry Less.

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