RALLYHOOPS - Volleyball and Basketball Combined

RALLYHOOPS - Volleyball and Basketball Combined!
RallyHoops blends volleyball and basketball to create a portable sports game that can be played anywhere - from the beach to concrete.

RALLYHOOPS - Volleyball and Basketball Combined! RallyHoops blends volleyball and basketball to create a portable sports game that can be played anywhere - from the beach to concrete.

RallyHoops is a fast-paced, four-player (2 v. 2) game that is quick to set up, easy to grasp, yet difficult to master. Our full-court game is played with two different-sized hoops on each side of the court. There are different scoring options, depending on who scores in which hoop, but a team has no more than 3 hits per team rally. Games are played to 21 points, but that doesn't mean the game is over! Each player on the trailing team has 1 redemption shot to rally back and continue the game!

Lay the RallyHoops set on the ground and unhook the silicone bands from the bases Remove the 4 hoops and 2 poles
Press the buttons located on the bottom of the pole and insert it into the top of base; do the same with your second pole and base
Slide the inner pole up until you hear a "click" for our standard(6'/4') height and a second click for our advanced (7'/5') height.

Remove the RallyHoops key lock from the back of the hoops
Insert the large hoop into the lower pole cavity & small hoop into the top pole cavityn. Vertically insert the RallyHoops key into the back of each hoop to lock it into place. Press the button on the tube to adjust to the height of your choosing: 7' top hoop, 5' low hoop; or 6' top hoop, 4' low hoop)

The Server begins a rally by hitting the ball to their partner, the Setter
The Setter can then set the ball up, volleyball style, to the Server
The Server can run up and score into the bottom hoop, top hoop or both hoops. Bottom Hoop.

RALLYHOOPS - Volleyball and Basketball Combined! RallyHoops blends volleyball and basketball to create a portable sports game that can be played anywhere - from the beach to concrete.

When the Server serves the ball to the Setter, the Setter can directly score into the hoops too, but for less points.

if the other team reaches 21 point first, your team is still in the game
Each player has 1 redemption shot to lower the leading team's score down from 21 Shot into the bottom hoop take off 3 points (leading team's score = 18) Shot into the top hoop take off 5 points (leading team's score = 16) Shot into the both hoops takes off 10 points (leading team's score = 11) If you make the redemption shot, the game continues, and you become the Server If you and your teammate miss your redemption shots, the GAME IS OVER.

A team uses a Defensive Attack when the player (Defensive Player), standing on the same side of the court as the Server, crosses the back edge of the RallyHoops base after the Server has served the ball in the air;

A Defensive Attack allows the Defensive Player to chase down the Serve and alter the opposing team’s shot or block the ball before it goes through either hoop(s)

The Defensive Player may not make contact with an opposing player or the RallyHoops set while trying to alter the shot before the ball goes through either hoop (once the ball passes through the cylinder of either hoop, the Defensive Player cannot touch the ball)

If a Defensive Player makes contact with either the Server, Setter, the RallyHoops set, or the ball after it passes through the cylinder of either hoop, and that contact is determined to unfairly alter the Server or Setter’s shot or set, that team’s Rally will reset and the Defensive Player’s team will forfeit one (1) Defensive Attack.

The inside of the box is outlined for the orientation of the large and small hoops The large hoop snaps into the base clips, followed by the small hoop Place the ball on the cradle inside the base
The poles then lock into tabs on the base indents Close the two halves together and lock all 4 bands. That's it, you are done!

RALLYHOOPS - Volleyball and Basketball Combined! RallyHoops blends volleyball and basketball to create a portable sports game that can be played anywhere - from the beach to concrete.

RallyHoops comes with two bases, two retractable poles, four hoops (2 on each side), a ball pump with a needle, and one RallyHoops ball, which makes it the first full court hoops game that's packaged into a portable briefcase.

Each base is designed with enough weight and support, so that they won't tip over from a wind gust or a hard strike. When folded into a briefcase, RallyHoops is light enough (less than 14 lbs) to carry with you wherever you play your next game.

Let's face it, small loose parts get lost. When developing RallyHoops, we wanted to minimize small pieces, but if necessary, we wanted to make sure they could be conveniently stored. Thus our RallyHoops 'hoop key' was created; it securely locks the hoops to the poles when you're playing. When finished playing, it clicks into the back of the hoops for safekeeping.

The RallyHoops Hoop key, when vertically placed through the two small hoop holes, locks and secures each hoop onto the pole for game play. When storing the hoops in the briefcase, each RallyHoops Hoop key is conveniently stored inside the back of each hoop stem, so they're never misplaced.

The height of each pole is adjustable, depending on the players skill level or age. The top hoop sits at either 7 ft or 6 ft in height, while the bottom hoop sits at either 5 ft or 4 ft in height.

RallyHoops is a family owned sports game created by four brothers (Greg, Eric, Kyle, and Jack). Growing up in Long Island, we spent endless summers playing sport games in the backyard, the park, and at the beach. But it was years later, before our annual August trip to Vermont for a charity WIFFLE ball tournament, when the idea for RallyHoops materialized.

At the tournament, Greg described the concept to Kyle, and later that day, they were serving and setting a ball into imaginary hoops. That weekend the tournament raised, a then record amount for the Travis Roy Foundation, and our team captured the coveted championship in exciting walk-off fashion.

RALLYHOOPS - Volleyball and Basketball Combined

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