Greenfinity: Grow your cuttings and plant FOREVER
TO GREENFINTY AND BEYOND! Stop buying plants or jars of herbs time and time again just to worry about them dying. Watch VIDEO BELOW⬇
Greenfinity is your new indoor best friend. It is a smart designer system that lets you grow your favorite herbs and other plants year-round in a fun, easy, and beautiful way.
Yanis has his whole life before him, and Y Quan has to ensure her son’s future.
That is why Y Quan wants to encourage more people to grow their own plants in order to lessen their environmental impact while enjoying a healthier diet.
However, gardening is not for everyone, for myriad reasons: a lack of space, no garden plot, or simply a lack of time or know-how. Y Quan has a solution to help people get back to basics, simply and enjoyably.
Growing cuttings with Greenfinity is a way not just to boost nature, but also to reconnect with it. It’s a rewarding personal experience and a great family activity rolled into one.
Y Quan, a working mother who loves to cook. But she loves her 9-year-old son, Yanis, more than anything else.
During the lockdown in March 2020 Y Quan was finally able to return to one of her passions: gardening. Eager to consume more sustainably and tired of buying countless plastic pots of fresh herbs that never seemed to last long enough, she decided to take matters into her own hands and make her own cuttings. Her home was quickly awash in glass jars full of basil, mint, and other cuttings growing just about everywhere.
Besides the satisfaction she got from seeing her own plants grow and cooking the products of her own green thumb, Y Quan was delighted to see her son take an interest in this new habit. Fascinated by the plants taking shape before his very eyes, Yanis became his mother’s perfect assistant, turning the experience into an invaluable moment of family sharing.
Ever on the lookout for improvements, Y Quan then started thinking about how to make the process simpler for her young son, more aesthetic, and more practical for daily life. She thus created a single receptacle for the parent plant and cuttings with a well-thought-out design to keep the cuttings in place and add a decorative accent to the home.