VIZOR ™️ | Blue Light Gaming Glasses

VIZOR ™️ | Blue Light Gaming Glasses
Cutting edge blue light glasses from Blux customized for gaming. Developed with insights from gamers worldwide & Astralis!

VIZOR ™️ | Blue Light Gaming Glasses Cutting edge blue light glasses from Blux customized for gaming. Developed with insights from gamers worldwide & Astralis!

VIZOR is a line of blue light gaming glasses developed by gamers from across the globe. You’ll reduce eye strain, improve your screen contrast, and game more comfortably than ever.

Esport competitors from around the globe have beta-tested these models so we can fix every bug and glitch for the most powerful, reliable pair of gaming glasses on the market. No rushed product launches here!

Ever since we started Blux we knew that we at some point wanted to work in esport and offer blue light glasses to every type of gamer who spends a lot of hours in front of the screen.

When we started working with Astralis we quickly understood how important it is to consider yourself a pro sports athlete if you’re a gamer and want to become the best. You have to be committed to a nutritious diet, regular exercise, practising mindfulness but most importantly get a good quality night of sleep.

Through several months we’ve collected feedback from pro gamers from around the globe including players in the Astralis organization who beta-tested our VIZOR models, so we can fix every bug and glitch for the most powerful, reliable pair of gaming glasses on the market.

Scientific research indicates that an overexposure to artificial blue light from screens and LED can affect your sleep, productivity and overall well-being negatively.

In US, an adult spends an estimated 13 hours in front of a screen everyday since COVID-19 emerged; Children are a particular concern because their developing eyes absorb more blue light than adults, putting them at greater risk.

According to a study by the Kaiser family Foundation, children and teenagers (ages 8-18) spend more than 7 hours a day consuming electronic media.

In 2020, Nearly 8 in 10 eye care professionals estimate that blue light is impacting not only people’s eyes but their overall physical and mental health.

VIZOR ™️ | Blue Light Gaming Glasses Cutting edge blue light glasses from Blux customized for gaming. Developed with insights from gamers worldwide & Astralis!

See how the innovative blue light filter, integrated in the VIZOR lenses, works by blocking a huge amount of blue light from screens - here represented by a laser.

Melatonin is known as the sleep-hormone and suggested to be the most important antioxidant molecule in your body. It has a regulating effect on the circadian rhythm (your sleep-wake cycle), reproduction, blood-pressure and helps the body to fall asleep. The production of melatonin is induced in darkness (night) while minimized in light (day) and also artificial light from screens.

Blue light is a part of the visible light spectrum. It’s what has helped regulate our biological clocks for thousands of years. The amount of blue light in our environment tells us when to feel tired, when to feel energized, and when to check in for the night. Since computer screens emit large amounts of blue light, using them for too long or too often confuses our internal clock. All digital screens also have what’s called a ‘flicker’ caused by tiny LED bulbs constantly flashing at high speeds. This overworks the eyes, making them feel strained and tired.

Well, you can’t do much about digital screens - those are here to stay. But with blue light glasses, you can filter a great percentage of the harmful light coming at you from your gaming device. Our VIZOR collection offers five different varieties of style and strength, but all will ease the discomfort and fatigue caused by prolonged screen time.

Yep! The best gamers don’t just practice their game, they practice good health. They eat right and sleep well before a match just to get that extra competitive edge, and many are finding blue light blockers to be just as essential for maintaining in-game focus.

There are plenty of blue light glasses out there on the market - we’ve made quite a few of them ourselves! But no other line has been customized for gaming like VIZORs have. They were designed in Copenhagen with a minimalistic and clean approach, combining functionality with fashion, power and comfort.

VIZOR ™️ | Blue Light Gaming Glasses Cutting edge blue light glasses from Blux customized for gaming. Developed with insights from gamers worldwide & Astralis!

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