Aizen Power Review

Aizen Power Review
Dominate The Male Enhancement Niche Today with Aizen Power

Aizen Power is a penis enhancement formula that claims to change your life. By taking two capsules of Aizen Power daily, you can purportedly grow your penis by 4 to 15” in just a few weeks. The supplement claims to be based on an ancient Asian secret. Can you really triple or quadruple the size of your penis within weeks? How does Aizen Power work? Is Aizen Power yet another penis enlargement supplement scam? Please keep reading to discover everything you need to know about Aizen Power and how it works.

Dominate The Male Enhancement Niche Today with Aizen Power
What is Aizen Power?
Aizen Power is a nutritional supplement sold online through The supplement is marketed to men who want to increase the length of their penis through natural methods permanently. According to, the supplement is based on a traditional Asian treatment used by Asian elites to “grow their penises in just a couple of weeks.” By taking Aizen Power daily, you may be able to enjoy similar benefits.

Once a year, it’s said that Asian elites gather for a “tantric ritual” involving herbal and plant extracts. They gather in a secret location to consume rare plants from Eastern Asia. Then, all men involved in the ritual permanently increase the length of their penis within weeks of taking the herbs and plant extracts. Following that ritual, those involved “watch as their member grows bigger, throbbing with sexual energy and power,” according to

The creator of Aizen Power claims he attended the ritual and witnessed the effects in person. He took the same herbal and planted extracts, then experienced powerful benefits. After the ritual, he claims he felt more powerful and dominant than he ever had before: he felt like an alpha male. Motivated to sell his penis enlargement formula to the world, he created Aizen Power using the same secret herb and plant extracts.

Now, any man can purportedly increase the size of their penis within weeks without surgery, effort, or the need for penile exercises required: take two capsules a day of Aizen Power and watch your penis grow up to 15” within a few weeks.As far as we know, there is no way to permanently increase the length of your penis 15” without surgery – so how does Aizen Power work? Is it legit or a complete scam? Please keep reading to discover the ingredients inside Aizen Power and what they do.

How Does Aizen Power Work?
Aizen Power claims to increase the size of your penis by 67% within a few weeks. It also claims to give you better erections.In fact, Aizen Power claims to solve virtually every problem men experience in bed. The supplement doesn’t just claim to make you last longer in bed: it also claims to give you stronger, more intense orgasms when you do ultimately finish.Aizen Power doesn’t even claim to increase the size of your penis by up to 67%: the company claims to permanently increase the size of your penis by a minimum of 67%.

When someone claims to have discovered a way to permanently increase the size of their penis, consumers should use caution. There’s no actual proof that herbal extracts can lengthen your penis; however, ingredients used in the Aizen formula do have studies that can increase blood flow and boost testosterone production. You could, however, slightly increase the length of your penis with surgery or physical treatments (like jelqing, a penis stretching exercise). However, these treatments add a few extra centimeters to the size of your penis – they can’t permanently increase your penis length by 67%.

The average male penis in the United States is around 5.5 inches. An increase of 67% would grow that penis to 9.2 inches, or 3.7 inches.Again, Aizen Power claims this is the minimum increase you can expect when using the male enhancement supplement. It’s not the average gain, nor is it the maximum gain. Any man taking Aizen Power can expect to increase the size of their penis by “at least 67% in just a couple of short weeks,” according to the official website.

What Does Aizen Power Do?
Some of the claims made on the sales page include:Increase the size of your penis by at least 67%, Works within a couple of short weeks, Increase the intensity and quality of orgasms, Improve control, endurance, and stamina in bed,Give you better erections.,On some pages of, the company tones down its claims, suggesting their formula only helps you “maintain better erections.” Maintaining a better erection is much different than permanently increasing the size of your penis. However, Aizen Power claims to provide all of these benefits while using 100% natural ingredients that are 100% effective for anyone’s health.

What’s Inside Aizen Power?
Aizen Power contains minerals, vitamins, herbs, and plant extracts that can purportedly increase the size of your penis.Key ingredients include zinc, chromium, green tea extract, alpha-lipoic acid, and resveratrol.However, Aizen Power is not marketed to diabetics, pre-diabetics, or people who struggle to control blood sugar. Instead, it’s marketed to men who want to permanently increase the size of their erections.

Overall, the Aizen Power formula is virtually identical to diabetes supplements sold online today. Many diabetes supplements contain high levels of chromium, alpha-lipoic acid, berberine, and banaba leaf extract. In fact, these ingredients are some of the most proven ingredients in the diabetes supplement space. They’ve been shown to support blood sugar in people with diabetes, and people with diabetes are particularly deficient in chromium.

The makers of Aizen Power provide limited information about how each ingredient works to increase the length of the penis. However, they claim the formula is based not on diabetes supplements but on an ancient Asian tradition that uses rare plant extracts, so let’s look at how these same herbs and extracts may help increase the penis.

Here are the active plant and herb ingredients in Aizen Power and their potential effects:
Zinc and Chromium: Aizen Power contains two minerals crucial for overall health and wellness, including zinc and chromium. There’s no connection between zinc, chromium, and penis growth. However, men who are deficient in zinc may have poorer immune function and testosterone production than men who get their daily dose of zinc. According to The Boston Medical Group, “Zinc is an example of a nutrient which has been put in the spotlight recently, and that is mainly due to its ability to help boost production of testosterone, prolactin, as well as prostate fluids which help greatly during sexual activities.” Zinc deficiency is rare in the western world, although it’s always crucial to get your daily recommended intake of zinc.

Alpha Lipoic Acid: Alpha-lipoic acid (ALA) is a vitamin-like chemical that works as an antioxidant. It’s best known for being included in diabetes supplements. The naturally occurring compound is made in your body to increase cellular energy while supporting inflammation. You can also get ALA from liver, kidney, spinach, broccoli, and potatoes. Some people take alpha-lipoic acid in supplement form to help support blood sugar and overall energy. However, In recent studies, ALA improved testosterone levels and sperm quality by reducing oxidative stress in rats.

Antioxidants: Aizen Power contains two main sources of antioxidants, including green tea extract and resveratrol. Green tea extract is rich in epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), a natural compound linked to weight loss, fat burning, and inflammation support throughout the body. Many people take green tea extract daily for these purported benefits; it also has been reported that green tea extract high in catechin, a natural phenol, an antioxidant that promotes blood flow to the sex organs.

Aizen Power also contains resveratrol, the antioxidant found in grape skin extract and wine. Resveratrol has been linked to antioxidant effects throughout the body, supporting inflammation in various ways. Antioxidants could make it easier for blood to flow throughout your body, making it easier to get and maintain an erection. However, there’s only anecdotal evidence at this point that antioxidants can permanently increase the size of your penis; however, they do work to decrease free radicals and allow more blood flow to the penis.

Herbal and Plant Extracts: The other ingredients in Aizen Power are herbal and plant extracts linked to liver support, pancreas support, blood sugar support, and immune support. Other listed ingredients found at smaller dosages in the Aizen Power formula include berberine, milk thistle extract, cayenne pepper, Korean ginseng, and banaba leaf extract. Asian elites purportedly use these ingredients in a penis elongation ritual, where they’ve been proven to increase penis size by 15” within weeks permanently.

Overall, the ingredients in Aizen Power can purportedly solve most male sexual function issues. They may increase penis size and make it easier to maintain an erection, give you better control and endurance, and improve orgasms, among other benefits.The makers of Aizen Power disclose the full list of ingredients upfront. We know the dosages of six ingredients, although most ingredients are hidden within a small proprietary formula.

Scientific Evidence for Aizen Power
There’s no scientifically proven way to permanently increase the size of your penis without surgery or physical treatments (like jelqing). No herb, plant, vitamin, or mineral has been proven to permanently increase the size of your penis by 5” to 15” as advertised on It’s possible that some of the ingredients in Aizen Power can support inflammation throughout your body, which could make it slightly easier to get and maintain an erection by supporting overall health and blood flow. However, none of the ingredients in Aizen Power have been linked to penis size, sexual performance, or similar effects in any significant way.

One of the most-studied ingredients in Aizen Power is zinc. Zinc has been studied for its sexual health benefits. In this 2017 study, researchers gave men with hypogonadism a zinc supplement, then observed the effects. Hypogonadism is when the male body does not produce enough crucial male growth hormones, leading to a small penis size. Researchers found that zinc supplementation increased sperm concentrations in patients, although the effect was considered “very subtle.”

Similarly, this 2009 study analyzed the effects of zinc supplements on male rats. Researchers found that zinc supplements improved libido in rats when taken at a 5mg dose. However, a 1mg dose of zinc did not affect libido, and a 10mg dose actually decreased placebo. Zinc deficiency is indeed linked to testosterone problems. In this study, researchers found that zinc supplementation in older men led to increased serum testosterone levels over a six-month period. In other words, men who did not get enough zinc had lower testosterone levels; they could improve their testosterone levels by taking a zinc supplement.

Many of the ingredients in Aizen Power work because they’re antioxidants. Antioxidants counteract oxidation (i.e., inflammation) throughout the body. Alpha-lipoic acid, resveratrol, and EGCG (from green tea extract) all have antioxidant effects.Overall, science tells us some of the ingredients in Aizen Power could support sexual performance in a small way.

In this 2020 study published in the Turkish Journal of Urology, researchers tested the effects of antioxidants on sexual function in men. Researchers collected a group of infertile men ages 23 to 46, then gave them an antioxidant supplement or a placebo. Researchers found significant increases in total testosterone and follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) in the antioxidant group compared to the placebo, suggesting that antioxidants could increase testosterone.

Aizen Power Pricing
Aizen Power is priced at $69 per bottle, although the price drops as low as $49 per bottle when ordering multiple bottles.You can exclusively buy the supplement through, where it’s priced at the following:
1 Bottle: $69 + Free US Shipping
3 Bottles: $177 + Free US Shipping
6 Bottles: $294 + Free US Shipping
Each bottle contains 60 capsules (30 servings) or a 30 day supply of the formula. The manufacturer recommends taking two capsules of Aizen Power daily to increase your penis size within a few weeks permanently.
Dominate The Male Enhancement Niche Today with Aizen Power

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