The Gloaming Wild 5e Survival horror by Quartermaster Games LLC — Kickstarter

The Gloaming Wild - 5e Survival-horror

320+ pages of new options and systems for survival-horror characters & campaigns.

The Gloaming Wild 5e Survival horror by Quartermaster Games LLC — Kickstarter

The Gloaming Wild is a survival and horror supplement for the 5th Edition of the World's First Role-Playing Game. It offers options and resources to both players and GM's. This book contains systems and settings to enhance your campaign, facilitating stories of desperation and heroism, horror and survival.

The Explorer's Kit is our gift to you. The adventure isn't part of our final manuscript. We wrote it for the sole purpose of giving it away. We hope you enjoy it whether you decide to back the campaign or not. This style of campaign has created life-long memories and has genuinely brought our design team closer as friends through these shared stories. We want others to be able to have the same experiences.

The Gloaming Wild contains both systems and setting lore to enhance your roleplaying game. The systems for survival and horror will test players' ingenuity and grit as their characters strive to keep one another alive. The Gloaming Wild facilitates stories of desperation and heroism, horror and survival. The systems will help your players experience a game of increased stakes, in turn developing new, meaningful stories that explore a grim world and its themes of grief, perseverance, hope, and redemption.

The Gloaming Wild presents several optionalsystems that allow you to emphasize combat, survival, and horror to varying degrees in your game • Afflictions. How a survivor experiences the lingering effects of stress and trauma.Many of these tools are previewed in the FREE Explorer's Kit starter set, linked above.

• Foraging. How a survivor gathers and manages food and medicine from the land. Recovery. How a survivor heals. A simpler, less miraculous recovery system to better simulate the challenge of surviving in a harsh environment. Curses. How a survivor is inflicted with a curse like vampirism or lycanthropy, and how they are cured of the curse or transformed by it. A way for players to understand what is at stake and what can be done when a character is bitten by a cursed monster.
You have to order one of these before it's too late!
The Gloaming Wild 5e Survival horror by Quartermaster Games LLC — Kickstarter

The Gloaming Wild 5e Survival horror by Quartermaster Games LLC — Kickstarter
The Gloaming Wild 5e Survival horror by Quartermaster Games LLC — Kickstarter

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